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Skupština Crne Gore
Tuesday, 21. May 2013. 17:23



On the occasion of Independence Day of Montenegro, President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić traditionally, with military honours, laid down the laurel wreath on the monument of Njegoš in the Mausoleum at the Jezerski vrh on Lovćen

 ‘‘At the altar of freedom of Montenegro, I congratulate to Montenegrin citizens, those worldwide and those in homeland, this day of renewal of Montenegrin independence. This day symbolizes the millennium long duration of Montenegro, as the only South Slavic country which kept the torch of freedom in the time when it was extinguished in this whole area. That is why Lovćen is the symbol of freedom of all South Slavic peoples. Montenegro is not selfish; it saved freedom for everybody in the same way it wants to share European freedoms with everybody in the region. Nevertheless, this day is special. This year is also special since it is the 200th anniversary of Njegoš’s birth; his deeds look at as well as his achievements, thus we have a higher obligation. Obligation to be at least bastion of what he was, to be consistent and respond to the crises, to be honourable and care about our homeland, to be honourable and demonstrate the power of the state.  As much as there was justice in Montenegro, there was Montenegro. It implicates that the greater strength of justice, the stronger Montenegro. This is the day when we should remind ourselves to true values created by our ancestors as well as their achievements, and with that emotion we should gather strength to do more up to the next holiday. Let this 21st May be happy for you, the day of new freedom of Montenegro.‘‘



 ‘‘Na oltaru slobode Crne Gore čestitam crnogorskim građanima,đe god da su,u bijelom svijetu i domovini ovaj dan obnove crnogorske nezavisnosti. Ovaj dan koji simboliše milenijum trajanja Crne Gore kao jedine južnoslovenske države koja je čuvala baklju slobode onda kada je ugasla na svim ovim prostorima. I zato jeste Lovćen simbol slobode svih Južnoslovenskih naroda. I Crna Gora nije sebična, čuvala je slobodu za sve kao što sada želi da dijeli evropske slobode sa svima ostalima u regionu. Ali ovaj dan je ipak poseban. I ova godina je posebna jer je 200.godina od Njegoševog rođenja, na sve nas gledaju njegova djela, njegovo dostignuće, i mi smo u obavezi više. U obavezi da bar malo budemo bastaduni onoga sto je on bio, da budemo dosljedni i odgovorimo ovoj krizi, da budemo dostojni i čuvamo ovu domovinu, da budemo dostojni i pokažemo snagu države. Koliko je bilo pravde u Crnoj Gori toliko je bilo i Crne Gore. I što bude snaga pravde veća, to će Crna Gora biti jača. I ovo je dan kada treba da se osvrnemo na sve prave vrijednosti koje su nam preci stvorili, na sva njihova dostignuća, da sa tom emocijom skupimo snage da do idućeg praznika učinimo vise. Neka vam je srećan 21.maj, dan ponovne slobode Crne Gore.‘‘