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Thursday, 23. May 2013. 18:22

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić attended the ceremony of marking 150 years since the founding of the Workers' Association and social democracy in Europe


President Krivokapić also attended the Leadership meeting of the European Socialists Party in Leipzig.



President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić today attended the ceremony of marking 150 years since the founding of the Workers' Association and social democracy in Europe, organised in Leipzig.

German Chancellor Ms Angela Merkel, president of Bundestag Mr Norbert Lammert, as well as more than 80 presidents of states, prime ministers and leaders of social-democratic parties from all over the world also attended the ceremony.

President of Germany Joachim Gauck and President of the Republic of France François Hollande spoke at the gathering. They reminded the attendees of the very beginnings of the European social democracy, founded upon values of equality, freedom and democracy. They pointed out that the modern Europe had been built upon those values, and it was dominantly shaped by the political vision of social democrats after the World War II. The ceremony was closed by the president of the German SPD, Mr Sigmar Gabriel who emphasised that the essential value of the social democracy is its universal applicability which enabled the left movement to survive through all the historic challenges.

President Krivokapić also attended the Leadership meeting of the European Socialists Party in Leipzig. The participants of the Leadership meeting discussed the preparations of the European left for the upcoming 2014 European elections, and the joint candidate for President of the European Commission on behalf of the Party of European Socialists.