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Monday, 03. June 2013. 17:48

Congratulatory message of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić on the occasion of seven years since the declaration of Montenegrin independence

Esteemed citizens of Montenegro,

On this day, seven years ago, a decision on declaration of independence of Montenegro was made. It was a formal act of confirmation of a glorious victory won at the democratic referendum on 21st May 2006, where the citizens of Montenegro decided to renew their state independence.

With their referendum decision the citizens of Montenegro have shown a great level of democratic maturity and ability to solve even the most sensitive political issues in a peaceful manner, while observing the most democratic European standards.

Years after the independence have shown that we have made the right decision, as the decision on renewal of our own state home can only be such.

By renewing our state we have brought back our freedom and dignity that many were denying us.

However, as all times carry with them their challenges, likewise we are today, seven years from renewal of independence, obligated to openly point out for our citizens all the challenges that we are facing today.

Esteemed citizens,

We must be aware that the strength and stability of a country continuously grows with dedication to the rule of law, and those countries without strength to enforce laws lead to instability.

Therefore a mature democracy is the best defence of the sovereignty of the renewed Montenegro.

The inability to come to grips with the challenge of establishing the rule of law may be equally dangerous for a country as the traditional opponents of its sovereignty and independence.

Montenegro is a country that has survived on faith in justice as its basic virtue. On the code of humanity and heroism. Now those things only need to become the power of institutions and a part of the education and cultural system of our homeland.

We must not allow the increase of the number of those who feel left out from the political decision making and distribution of goods in the Montenegrin society. It is a hard temptation for democracy and stability of the state.

The state must clearly let everyone know that it is stronger than arbitrariness of those who accumulated wealth and those who believe that their will is stronger than the strength of the Constitution and the law.

Via the full capacity of its institutions, the state must act more decisively to protect public interest and public goods and thus earn the full trust of its citizens.

I am convinced that we will, in this new time as well, know how to be worthy of our glorious history and thus make out freedom and independence eternal and unquestionable for all our citizens, I congratulate you, on my own behalf and on behalf of the Parliament of Montenegro, the 3rd June – the day of declaration of Montenegrin independence.

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić