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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 07. June 2013. 15:15

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić spoke with the Ambassador of Hellenic Republic

Mr Krivokapić and Mr Fotopoulos agreed that Montenegro and Greece have traditionally friendly relations and good cooperation.


President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić spoke today with Mr Ilias Fotopoulos, the newly appointed Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Hellenic Republic.

Mr Krivokapić and Mr Fotopoulos agreed that Montenegro and Greece have traditionally friendly relations and good cooperation.

Mr Krivokapić extended his gratitude to Mr Fotopoulos for the support that Greece, as Montenegro’s first contact country with NATO, offered to our country in the process of euro-Atlantic integration, emphasising the significance of their further assistance in the process of fulfilling our commitments stemming from MAP.

In his conversation with the President Krivokapić, Mr Fotopoulos stated that, during his term of office, he would work on further promotion of political relations between Greece and Montenegro.