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Skupština Crne Gore
Tuesday, 11. June 2013. 18:21

Meeting Mr Krivokapić – Mr Lange

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić met with the Head of Unit for Montenegro and Croatia within the European Commission's Directorate General for Enlargement Mr Dirk Lange, who is staying in Montenegro


Mr Krivokapić informed Mr Lange on conclusions of the Parliament relating to establishing the Working Group for Building Trust in the Electoral Process as well as opening of parliamentary inquiry regarding the affair “Recording” and work on adoption of constitutional amendments.

President Krivokapić emphasized that it was especially important that those decisions were adopted by consensus, which additionally contributed to seriousness of the Parliament’s approach regarding addressing the challenges that Montenegro must overcome to move towards the EU membership.

Mr Lange voiced pleasure over the actual political progress of the Parliament and expressed expectance that all political subjects would, in the following period, contribute to further development of mutual trust.

During the meeting, it was talked on the current economic situation in Montenegro, and the interlocutors agreed that economic recovery was necessarily connected with the rule of law.