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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 14. June 2013. 15:09

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić, upon the invitation of the President of the Venice Commission Mr Gianni Buquicchio, participated in the 95th Plenary Session of the Venice Commission

The President of the Venice Commission Mr Gianni Buquicchio pointed out the Parliament of Montenegro as a very positive example of a successful cooperation resulting in joint work in over a decade period, starting from the work on current Constitution of Montenegro, including a significant number of very important legal reform projects.


He expressed special pleasure with the fact that the Parliament of Montenegro, even regarding the current issue – work on the constitutional amendments in the field of judiciary, complied with the positions and suggestions of the Venice Commission. 

President Krivokapić had a separate address under the item of the agenda dedicated to the work of Constitutional Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro on adoption of constitutional amendments in the field of judiciary.

He thanked the Venice Commission on their support and the expert assistance so far and pointed out the significance of the issue of work on constitutional amendments within the total efforts of Montenegro on achieving high standards of strengthening independence and responsibilities of judiciary.

He said that the new constitutional solutions in this field, which would comply with recommendations of Venice Commission, should contribute to higher trust in the judiciary, so that Montenegro could be ready for the EU negotiations in the key areas of the rule of law.

Krivokapić emphasised the constructive and useful role of all the members of the Constitutional Committee on defining solutions for constitutional amendments, thus demonstrating seriousness and responsibility of all parliamentary political factors for a successful completion of work on this issue.

Finally, Mr Krivokapić expressed belief that the Venice Commission, through additional suggestions and explanations, which will be shortly addressed to the Parliament of Montenegro, would help to have the work on amendments of the Constitution end successfully with as wide as possible consensus in the Parliament of Montenegro.