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Skupština Crne Gore
Monday, 24. June 2013. 11:03

Letter of Condolence of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić on the occasion of traffic accident that occurred in Morača Canyon

to H.E. Mr Valeriu Zgonea, President of the Chamber of Deputies of Romania and

H.E. Mr Crin Laurenţiu Antonescu, President of the Romanian Senate

Esteemed Excellences,

The tragedy that occurred yesterday will leave a deep trace of grief at the calendar of the contemporary Montenegro. Sorrow and silence that engulfed Montenegro and Romania, will bind forever our two histories as a river of pain binds two banks. On behalf of the Parliament of Montenegro and on my own behalf, please accept most sincere condolences for the death of your fellow citizens.

Esteemed Excellences,

I assure you that the state of Montenegro and its citizens, whose solidarity proved once again as inseparable part of our mentality, will do everything to help the recovery of injured and to keep the number of people died at the number eighteen. In the following days, the priority of our institutions will be dealing with the consequences of the accident, and they will do everything possible to decrease its effects on the future.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my highest consideration and respect.