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Skupština Crne Gore
Tuesday, 25. June 2013. 14:57

President of the Chamber of Deputies of Romania Mr Valeriu Zgonea thanked to the President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić to the Letter of Condolences

During the telephone conversation, Mr Zgonea stated that help and solidarity provided by Montenegrin citizens in the difficult moment for Romania was of immeasurable significance.

President of the Chamber of Deputies of Romania H.E. Mr Valeriu Zgonea thanked to the President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić to the Letter of Condolences which President Krivokapić sent yesterday on the occasion of traffic accident which occurred in Morača Canyon, when 18 travellers died.

During the telephone conversation of Mr Zgonea and Mr Krivokapić , Mr Zgonea stated that help and solidarity provided by Montenegrin citizens in the difficult moment for Romania was of immeasurable significance.

Mr Zgonea also thanked to the help provided on the spot by the Vice President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Suljo Mustafić.