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Skupština Crne Gore
Tuesday, 26. February 2013. 11:53

Meeting Mr. Krivokapić – Mr. Bevanda

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr. Ranko Krivokapić, held talks today with Mr. Vjekoslav Bevanda, the President of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The interlocutors agreed that relations between Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina were the great example of neighbourhood and the model of successful cooperation in the region as well, and it represented best contribution to its development and stability. 
Mr. Bevanda said that the success that Montenegro has achieved through European and Euro Atlantic integration was commendable, and that it represented inspiration for the whole region.

Mr. Krivokapić and Mr. Bevanda concluded that there was a room for the two countries to intensify economic cooperation, especially in the field of traffic and tourism.