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Skupština Crne Gore
Thursday, 11. July 2013. 20:56

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić pays an official visit to the Republic of Serbia

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić held a speech at the special sitting of Serbian Parliament, scheduled in his honour by the Speaker Stefanović.

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić, upon the invitation of the host – Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia Mr Nebojša Stefanović, is paying an official visit to the Republic of Serbia.

President Krivokapić held a speech at the special meeting of Serbian Parliament, scheduled in his honour by the Speaker Stefanović. Krivokapić addressed people’s MPs as the President of the Parliament of Montenegro and President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly.

 The speech was preceded by the meeting between Mr Krivokapić and Mr Stefanović, during which the quality cooperation between the two parliaments was highlighted, resulting, inter alia, in strong support of Serbian delegation to the candidacy of Mr Krivokapić for the OSCE PA President at the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly.

The possibility of strengthened cooperation between the two parliaments in the field of exchange of experience relating the process of accession negotiations and harmonisation of national legislation with European legislation was particularly stressed at the meeting.

President Krivokapić also held talks with the Prime Minister of the Serbian Government Mr Ivica Dačić in Belgrade today. It was concluded, at the meeting, that Montenegro and Serbia, besides historical togetherness, were also linked by economic cooperation, which could be additionally intensified in the following period. The significance of joint infrastructure projects was emphasised, which would, apart from connecting two states, make Montenegro and Serbia more attractive destinations for foreign tourists and investors as well.