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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 12. July 2013. 22:25

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić held a meeting with the Delegation of the Republic of Serbia to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and Head of OSCE Mission in Serbia Mr Peter Burkhard

In light of celebrating the Statehood Day 13th July, Mr Krivokapić held meetings with the representatives of Montenegrin emigrants, gathered around Montenegrin associations in Belgrade and Lovćenac. 

On the second day of the official visit to the Republic of Serbia, the President of the Parliament of Montenegro and the President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Mr Ranko Krivokapić held a meeting with the Delegation of the Republic of Serbia to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and Head of OSCE Mission in Serbia Mr Peter Burkhard.

The topic of conversation was the cooperation of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and OSCE missions, especially through a prism of increased involvement of MPs in creating programme activities of OSCE missions, by which OSCE is essentially the most recognised in our region. The interlocutors concluded there was a need for a more active communication between the delegations of the national parliaments and OSCE missions in their countries, but also for the increase of visibility of work of the parliamentary dimension of OSCE.

During his stay in Serbia, in light of celebrating the Statehood Day 13th July, the President Krivokapić also held meetings with the representatives of Montenegrin emigrants, gathered around Montenegrin associations in Belgrade and Lovćenac.

Representatives of Montenegrin emigrants informed the President on the news from the field of their work, with emphasis on activities of collecting signatures necessary for founding the Montenegrin Minority National Council in the Republic of Serbia. President Krivokapić pointed out that this special emotion Montenegrins feel for their homeland in Serbia was recognisable and that emotion should be used for the glory of Montenegro and as an assistance to Serbia they live in.