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Skupština Crne Gore
Wednesday, 17. July 2013. 08:00

Congratulatory Message on the Occasion of Municipality Day of Andrijevica

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić extended congratulatory message on the occasion of Municipality Day of Andrijevica – 17 July to the citizens, the President of the Municipality Mr Srđan Mašović, the President of the Local Assembly Dr Zoran Vuković and the councillors: 

“Esteemed citizens of Andrijevica, 

Natural resources, forest fund and ecologically clean environment of Andrijevica represent security and exceptional potential for its further development. 

The state is obliged to ensure fair and equitable allocation of its resources and to pay special attention to development of the north and better life of all citizens.

It is your responsibility, with hardworking and wisdom, to help valorisation of natural resources that your region abounds with, and the State is obliged to provide you support and understanding on that path.

Wishing you to show greater political and civil wisdom in these challenging years, on behalf of the Parliament of Montenegro and on my own behalf, I congratulate you the 17th July - Municipality Day of Andrijevica”.

 Ranko Krivokapić