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Monday, 28. January 2013. 09:56

Fifth Meeting of the Administrative Committee

The Committee assessed positively the Rulebook on amendments to the Rulebook on internal organization and systematization of the administrative service of the Commission for Prevention of Conflict of Interest.

At the second meeting held today, the Committee on Political System, Justice and Administration considered the Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Electronic Media and by a majority of votes decided to propose it to the Parliament for adoption.

Proposal for the Law on Supplements to the Law on Medicines considered.

Monday, 28. January 2013. 09:49

PACE Winter Session finished

Resolution with concrete recommendations on fight against human trafficking for forced labour adopted.

U organizaciji NVO CDT-Centar za demokratsku tranziciju, u okviru projekta „Euphoria – podizanje javne svijesti o procesu evropskih integracija“ koji se realizuje uz podršku Ambasade Kraljevine Holandije, 25. januara 2013. godine održana je Konferencija na temu „Informisanje građana o evropskim integracijama – šanse, izazovi i ograničenja“.

Within the Irish half-year presidency of the European Union, the meeting of chairs of committees on European affairs of national parliaments of the member states of the European Union will be held in Dublin, on 27th and 28th January.

MPs of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe were addressed by the European Commissioner for Enlargements and Neighborhood Policy, Mr. Štefan Füle.

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