Potpredśednik Simović primio šeficu Sektora za politiku, evropske integracije i trgovinu u Delegaciji EU
Potpredśenik Skupštine Crne Gore mr Milutin Simović primio je danas gospođu Plamenu Halachevu novoimenovanu šeficu Sektora za politiku, evropske integracije i trgovinu u Delegaciji Evropske unije u Crnoj Gori.
Predśednik Pajović uručiće sertifikate polaznicima Demokratskih radionica „Barbara Pramer”
Predśednik Skupštine Crne Gore Darko Pajović uručiće śutra sertifikate polaznicima Demokratskih radionica „Barbara Pramer”, koji su radionice pohađali u periodu od februara do juna 2016. godine.
Legislative Committee holds its 174th meeting
Mr Pajović wishes a happy Kurban Bayram
President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Darko Pajović has wished a happy Kurban Bayram to Reis of the Islamic Community in Montenegro Mr Rifat Fejzić and to citizens of Montenegro of the Islamic faith, and also wished them well and to spend it in peace and happiness.
Završena Regionalna parlamentarna konferencija u Beogradu
Regional parliamentary conference in Belgrade begins
Regional parliamentary conference on the topic “Strengthening regional cooperation in the Western Balkans parliaments with the aim of improving public financial management” has been opened in Belgrade today.
Committee on monitoring the investigation of cases of endangering security of journalists and media outlets holds its third meeting
Constitutional Committee holds its 20th meeting
At its meeting held today, the Constitutional Committee has considered the Proposal for initiating the procedure for determining whether the President of Montenegro violated the Constitution, submitted by a group of MPs pursuant to Article 98 of the Constitution of Montenegro.