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Skupština Crne Gore

Reply of Vice President of the Parliament Mr Suljo Mustafić to the official letter by an academic Mr Miomir Đurović - President of the CANU:

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Darko Pajović will meet with the media representatives who follow the work of the Parliament on Tuesday 21 June 2016.

Obavljeno kontrolno saslušanje povodom mišljenja Državne revizorske institucije o reviziji uspjeha „Efikasnost Poreske uprave u sprovođenju mjera naplate poreskog duga“

Three items of the agenda considered

Predśednik Skupštine Crne Gore Darko Pajović otvorio je danas konferenciju „Regionalna kancelarija za saradnju mladih RYCO - izazovi i uspostavljanja“, prilikom čega je održao govor:

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Darko Pajović has met with President of the State Election Commission Mr Budimir Šaranović, with whom he has discussed strengthening of cooperation between the Parliament of Montenegro and the SEC.

Amendments to the Proposal for the Resolution on Support to Montenegro's Membership in NATO were considered

Embassy of Hungary, as a contact country, is organising a meeting with ambassadors of NATO member states, which President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Darko Pajović will attend as a guest.

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