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Skupština Crne Gore
Tuesday, 13. October 2015. 18:33

Sixth meeting of the Inquiry Committee addressing the issue of JSC Tobacco Plant Podgorica in bankruptcy ends

Members of the Committee took statements   

At the meeting held today, members of the Inquiry Committee for collecting information and facts on the events relating to the actions of competent state authorities in the protection of state property and public interest during the sale of assets of the JSC Tobacco Plant Podgorica in bankruptcy took statements from:  Mr Dragan Rakočević, a judge of the Commercial Court of Montenegro in the time of  declaring the bankruptcy in the JSC Tobacco Plant Podgorica and Mr Veselin Raičević, bankruptcy administrator of the JSC Tobacco Plant Podgorica in bankruptcy.

Mr Miodrag Anđelić, bankruptcy judge of the Commercial Court of Montenegro in the case SC Tobacco Plant Podgorica, failed to respond to the invitation for meeting.