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Skupština Crne Gore
Monday, 24. November 2014. 18:03

President of the Parliament of Montenegro opens VI session of Children's Parliament

President of the Parliament says that he has just returned from the celebration of a quarter century since the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, reminding that children’s rights are the most universal value.

President of the Parliament of Montenegro opened the VI session of the Children's Parliament in the Parliament of Montenegro, stressing that he was particularly satisfied with the fact that the session has become a tradition. President of the Parliament said that he had returned from the celebration of a quarter century since the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, reminding that children’s rights were the most universal value.

President Krivokapić pointed out the tendency of Montenegrin Parliament to ensure "that public good becomes the first good for everyone, as soon as people go out from their houses". It is a prerequisite, President Krivokapić believes, for young people to stay in Montenegro and those who have already gone to return to Montenegro. Afterwards, President of the Parliament of Montenegro gave the floor to co-presiding Ms Kristina Dedić.

Kristina’s friends Ms Nađa Vujović and Mr Slobodan Marković were also with her at the presiding table in the Plenary Hall of the Parliament of Montenegro, helping President Krivokapić and Secretary General Mr Siniša Stanković to conduct the Children’s Parliament. Today’s session was focused on questions and answers of government officials regarding their activities in the past five years, in response to demands of children sent from the Parliament. Most of the questions were sent to the Ministry of Education, then the Ministry of Internal Affairs as well as ministries on tourism, agriculture, health and so on.

Various requirements were heard today: "that school should be a place of logic and critical thinking, place to recognise potentials and strengthen skills, where children will be prepared to be responsible citizens of the 21st century". The children referred to specific problems such as: number of classes, method of evaluation, quality of textbooks and peer violence. Today children reminded the  adults of the initiative from last year's session of Children’s Parliament about the establishment of "Open Door Days for Children", but they also addressed MPs with the following words: "We hope that you are aware of the fact that here you also represent the interests of children. However, rarely did we hear that you repeated some of the issues highlighted here at the regular sessions of the Parliament, and rarely did we hear that some of you participated in an action related to children. Do you protect our interests like this, have our sessions had any impact on you? You should think about us also the next time you sit on these benches".

Today’s session was attended by 44 representatives of local children’s parliaments from 22 municipalities, representatives of the Government of Montenegro, representatives of MP Groups in the Parliament of Montenegro, representatives of domestic institutions and international organisations dealing with rights of the child as well as members of diplomatic corps.

The VI Children's Parliament is organised by the Parliament of Montenegro in cooperation with Center for Children’s Rights of Montenegro, with the support of Save the Children International, on the occasion of 20 November, the Day of adopting the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and awaiting the re-reporting of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (2015).