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Skupština Crne Gore
Thursday, 16. June 2016. 14:21

Chairperson of the Commission for Monitoring and Control of the Privatisation Procedure Mr Janko Vučinić holds a meeting with representatives of the former workers of “Košuta” Cetinje

Representatives of the former workers highlighted their problems 

Chairperson of the Commission for Monitoring and Control of the Privatisation Procedure Mr Janko Vučinić today received Ms Dijana Vujović, President of the Srtike Committee of the former workers of the fashion footwear industry “Košuta” Cetinje, as well as Mr Savo Vujović, Mr Nikola Pavićević, Mr Dragiša Mrdak and Mr Branko Jovićević, members of the Strike Committee. At the meeting, representatives of the former workers highlighted problems they were facing since the bankruptcy has been introduced in this factory, relating to unpaid salaries, disconnected length of service and unpaid severance payments.   

After the conversation, Chairperson of the Commission Mr Janko Vučinić said that he would convene the meeting of the Commission for Monitoring and Control of the Privatisation Procedure, which would be devoted to control of privatisation procedure in the fashion footwear industry “Košuta”.