CEI is the oldest regional initiative in the Central and Eastern Europe. It was founded in 1989. and today has 18 member states: Albania, Austria, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Czech Republic, Croatia, Italy, Hungary, Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia and Ukraine.
Since its establishment the Central European Initiative goal has been to foster political and socio-economic development in the region aimed at avoiding new division lines in Europe. To this end, the CEI is oriented to assist in strengthening the capacities of countries remaining outside of the EU to consolidate their institutional and economic background and bring them closer to the EU.
The delegation of three permanent members of the24 convocation of the Parliament of Montenegro in the CEI Parliamentary Dimension was consisted of Miodrag Vukovic (Head of Delegation), Vasilije Lalošević Damir Šehović and Andrej Orlandić as secretary.
The Parliament of Montenegro chaired the Parliamentary Dimension of the Central European Initiative for the period from 1 january 2010. until 1 january 2011., during which were organized two parliamentary conferences held to discuss the fight against organized crime and corruption, cross-border cooperation, as well as communication with civil society parliaments.
At the parliamentary dimension of the CEI, in 2012 the delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro participated in two meetings as follows: at the meeting of the general committee for the issue of culture in Bolzano and at the meeting of the Parliamentary Committee on "Tourism and mobility of citizens as important instruments in order to intensify interaction between CEI members''. At the meeting in Bolzano (26 – 27 April) was reached an agreement for promotion of bilateral communication between countries and regions, in order to bring in different cultures. Conclusions and the final declaration were adopted, which indicates the importance of the CEI Instrument for the Protection of Minority Rights document, which was adopted in Torino in 1994.
After the meeting of the general committee for cultural affairs, economic issues and political and domestic issues, a plenary session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the CEI was held (26 - 28 September). This year session marked the debate on transport infrastructures, as an effective instrument for intensifying cooperation between CEI member states.
During the presidency of Ukraine in the 2012, a delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro has participated in all three parliamentary meeting Initiatives - General Committee on Culture (26 and 27 April) Parliamentary Committee (23 and 24 May) and the Plenary session (26 and 27 September). At the meeting the discussion was guided about the protection of minority rights, transport infrastructure, strengthening of parliamentary government, and economic dimensions of the CEI, as well as further promoting regional cooperation aimed at mitigating the effects of the global economic crisis. At the last Parliamentary Initiative head of the delegation of Montenegro Miodrag Vukovic was re-elected to the position of Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Internal and Political Affairs CEI PD.