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Skupština Crne Gore
Wednesday, 02. October 2013. 10:10

Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe participates in the PACE Autumn Session (second working day)

Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe had very important activities during the second working day.

Head of Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro to the PACE Mr Zoran Vukčević, PhD, as a representative of ruling party and member of the Delegation Mr Mladen Bojanić, as representative of opposition, in line with PACE rules, participated at the meeting of the Monitoring Committee, during which the Information note by the co-rapporteurs on their fact-finding visit to Podgorica (8-10 July 2013) was considered.

Previously, during the day, Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro to the PACE had a meeting with the Co-rapporteurs of the Monitoring Committee Ms Nursuna MEMECAN and Mr Kimmo SASI, upon their request. Ms Ana Vukadinović, Ambassador of Montenegro to the Council of Europe also attended the meeting. 

During the second day, Mr Sergey Naryshkin, Speaker of the Russian State Duma, addressed PACE MPs.  He emphasised the importance of international cooperation in international affairs, stressing the role of PACE member states parliamentarians. He stated that Russia was looking to European experience, giving a greater importance to activities that would provide greater participation of citizens in democracy processes. Mr Naryshkin also referred to certain laws adopted in Russia recently, emphasising the laws on meetings and demonstrations and on foreign funding of NGOs, that prompted international concerns.

During the morning session, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, by absolute majority, elected Ms Iulia Antoanella Motoc as Romania’s judge at the European Court for Human Rights

In addition, during the morning session the Report on activities of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in 2012-2013 was discussed. OECD Secretary General Mr Angel Gurría emphasised that the crisis imposed an enormous social cost, which eroded the people’s confidence on their governments’ capacities necessary for addressing economic problems in society. It was emphasised that it was necessary to continue reform ofmultinational companies so the production in those companies to be maintained properly in global economy conditions. In addition, it is necessary to provide fair taxation of world’s profit and meeting of tax regulation.

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe invited not only Council of Europe member states but also OECD member states to devote a special attention to compliance with tax policy and transparency as well as to exchange of information on tax matters among PACE and OECD member states.  Political leaders should take activities in order to establish confidence in the government, thus it is necessary high integrity standards to be respected, especially in fields of high risk, such as lobbying, public procurements and funding of political parties. 

During the afternoon session, PACE parliamentarians discussed the Report on the right of children to physical integrity and Report of PACE monitoring procedure.

PACE parliamentarians addressed special concern about violations of physical integrity of children, which had been happening in a number of countries due to different reasons. In the Resolution based on a report by Mr Marlene Rupprecht (Germany), the Assembly strongly recommends that states promote further awareness in their societies of the potential risks of some of these procedures for children’s physical and mental health. It also asks states to adopt specific legal provisions to ensure that certain operations and practices will not be carried out before a child is old enough to be consulted.

In the Resolution based on a report by Ms Andres Herkel, Chairperson of the Monitoring Committee, PACE sent recommendations to the countries which are still subjected to monitoring process and those in post-monitoring procedure and invited them to fulfil remaining obligations in line with Council of Europe standards, welcoming the progress achieved in a number of countries. Regarding honouring of legal obligations by remaining 33 Council of Europe member states which are not under the monitoring procedure, the Assembly addressed concern because a certain number of those countries have not signed and/or ratified certain conventions, and in certain countries there are some warning activities such as segregation of Roma, inadequate relation to refugees and minorities and problems in exercising verdicts of European Court of Human Rights. PACE will continue to monitor honouring of commitments and obligations assumed by Council of Europe member states.

During the second working day, meetings of the following committees were held: Committee on Culture, Science, Education and Media, Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development, Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination, Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy, Committee on Migration, Refugees and Displaced Persons Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights as well as meeting of the Network of parliamentarians to stop sexual violence against children; these were attended by members of the Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro to the PACE.

During the third working day of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, discussions on the following topics will be held: “National security and access to information”, “Functioning of democratic institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina” and “The honouring of obligations and commitments by the Republic of Moldova”.

On the third day of the session, PACE MPs will be addressed by Armenian President Mr Serzh Sargsyan and Secretary General of the Council of Europe Mr Thorbjorn Jagland.

Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro participating in the work of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe composes of: Head of the Delegation Mr Zoran Vukčević, PhD and members of the Delegation Ms Draginja Vuksanović, PhD, Mr Mladen Bojanić, Mr Predrag Sekulić, PhD, Mr Damir Šehović, MA and Ms Snežana Jonica