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Skupština Crne Gore
Sunday, 02. February 2014. 15:15

The final day of the PACE Winter Session

On the final day of the PACE Winter Session, the discussion was focused on revising the European Convention on Transfrontier Television and accountability of international organisations for human rights violations.

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe concluded that the Council of Europe should modernise the Convention on Transfrontier Television. The 24-year-old European Convention on Transfrontier Television should be revised and modernised, taking into account the latest technological standards. The Assembly called on the European Union to resume talks with the Council of Europe on this question, in order to create a truly pan-European legal framework for media freedom issues. Plans to update the convention were stopped in 2011 after objections from the European Commission that it alone had exclusive competence in this field as regards European Union member States. Yet 13 of the 33 Council of Europe States to have ratified the convention are not EU members. The current situation, the Assembly says, prevents these countries from having an updated legal instrument in a constantly-changing media environment, with a consequent risk of diverging standards.

During the discussion on accountability of international organisations for human rights violations, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe concluded that international organisations must be accountable for human rights violations. In the resolution adopted on the final day, PACE made a number of recommendations to increase international organisations’ accountability for human rights violations.The Resolution proposes that international organisations should be subject to binding accountability mechanisms and that their immunity should be limited. According to the Assembly, member States should also be held responsible for the role they play in international organisations and by assisting them in implementing their decisions.

On the final day of the Winter Seesion, PACE Bureau held a meeting, where the Head of Montenegro's delegation to the PACE Mr Zoran Vukčević, PhD participated. Montenegrin delegation in the Winter Session was composed of the following MPs: Mr Zoran Vukčević, PhD, Ms Draginja Vuksanović, PhD, Mr Mladen Bojanić, Mr Predrag Sekulić, PhD and Ms Snežana Jonica.