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Skupština Crne Gore
Wednesday, 16. April 2014. 16:00

Press conference on the end of the visit of co-rapporteurs of the PACE Monitoring Committee to Montenegro held

The media representatives were addressed by Mr Kimmo Sasi (Finland), Co-rapporteur of the PACE Monitoring Committee and Mr Predrag Sekulić, Head of Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro to PACE, while the members of Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro to PACE attended the Conference and also answered the journalists’ questions: Ms Draginja Vuksanović, Mr Mladen Bojanić and Ms Snežana Jonica. 

In his opening speech, Mr Predrag Sekulić, Head of Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro to PACE said that during their three-day visit the co-rapporteurs of the Monitoring Committee Mr Kimmo Sasi and Mr Terry Layden held meetings with representatives of state authorities, political parties, NGOs, international organisations and the media, where they had the opportunity to obtain data and information on activities undertaken by Montenegro aimed at fulfilling recommendations contained in the PACE Resolution 1890 (2012) “The honouring of obligations and commitments by Montenegro”.   

The co-rapporteur Mr Kimmo Sasi pointed out there were few countries such as Montenegro that could boast of good cooperation with the Council of Europe, and he estimated that Montenegro had achieved significant progress in these fields.