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Friday, 30. May 2014. 18:54

Spring Session of NATO PA started in Vilnius

Parliamentary Assembly adopted Declaration on NATO enlargement, through which it appealed  to governments and parliaments of NATO member states at the NATO Summit in Wels to acknowledge the progress achieved by the aspirant countries, based on the result of comprehensive overview which should be terminated in June, and to open the path to membership of Montenegro to Alliance. 

Spring Session of NATO PA is held from 30 May to 1 June 2014 and it gathered near 360 parliamentarians from North Atlantic Council and partnership countries

During the first day, plenary session and meeting of delegation secretaries were held.

President of the NATO PA Hugh Bayley, Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania Loreta Graužinienė, Prime Minister of the Republic of Lithuania Algirdas Butkevičius and Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine Andriy Parubiy spoke at the plenary session.  

Participants were also addressed by NATO Secretary General Andreas Fogh Rasmussen, who particularly pointed out to strengthening of capacities within the Alliance, the need for greater budgetary allocations for the defence sector in member countries, as well as to the importance of enhancing transatlantic connections. 

During the discussion, the word was about the current situation and the implications of recent developments in Ukraine on international security, the consequences of civil war in Syria, the need to strengthen transatlantic partnership and the open-door policy.

In addition to the Declaration on the enlargement of NATO, the Parliamentary Assembly adopted the Declaration on the support of Ukraine and the Declaration on transatlantic relations.

It is planned for tomorrow to hold the meetings of the Political Committee, Science and Technology Committee and Economics and Security Committee of NATO Parliamentary Assembly. 

Members of the Permanent Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro to the NATO PA Mr Borislav Banović and Mr Obrad Mišo Stanišić took part in the work of the gathering. 

Declaration on NATO Enlargement
Deeclaration on Supporting Ukraine
Declaration on Transatlantic Relations