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Friday, 26. September 2014. 13:53

Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe will take part in the PACE Autumn session

Strasburg, 29 September – 3 October 2014

Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe will participate in the PACE Autumn Session held in Strasbourg from 29 September to 3 October 2014.

The debate on the crisis in Ukraine and the suppression of neo-Nazism and xenophobia, with the participation of the President of the Parliament of Norway, will be in the focus of attention at the forthcoming session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

Vaclav Havel Award will be presented on the first day of the session, established last year, which is awarded to civic organizations or individuals for special contributions to the field of human rights. During the session, MPs of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe will be addressed by Elmar Mammadyarov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan and Chairman of the Committee of Ministers.

The Report on the activities of the Bureau and the Standing Committee will be presented, which were implemented in the period between the summer and the autumn session. Also, MPs will be familiar with the Report of the PACE observation mission on observing the presidential elections in Turkey, held on 10 August 2014. The discussion at the Autumn session will be led on the situation of women after the Arab revolution, improving the quality of education as well as vocational education and trainings.   

This session will cover the Report on the monitoring procedure of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in the period from October 2013 to September 2014, the Report on the functioning of democratic institutions in Georgia, as well as the Report on honoring of obligations and commitments by Albania. Also, the PACE MPs will be familiar with the activities of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) for the period 2013-2014, and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development for 2013-2014.

Montenegrin Delegation at the PACE Autumn Session is composed of: Predrag Sekulić PhD, Damir Šehović MA, Mladen  Bojanić and Snežana Jonica.