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Skupština Crne Gore
Monday, 17. November 2014. 08:27

Meeting of members of the Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro to the PACE with co-rapporteurs of the PACE Monitoring Committee

Members of the Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe will meet on 17 November 2014 at a working lunch with Kimmo Sasi and Terry Leyden, co-rapporteurs of PACE Monitoring Committee, who will pay the third visit to Montenegro from 16 to 18 November 2014.  

Also, in the Parliament of Montenegro, co-rapporteurs will meet with the heads of MP Groups of the ruling coalition and opposition political parties. During their two-day visit to Montenegro, it is planned to meet with: President of Montenegro, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for the Information Society, Minister of Human and Minority Rights, Minister of Labour and Social Welfare and the Minister of Interior as well as with representatives of the Directorate for Anti-Corruption Initiative, Administration for Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing Terrorism, Commission for Prevention of Conflict of Interests and Section for Combating Organised Crime and Corruption of the Police Directorate.   

Also, co-rapporteurs will hold a meeting with the Supreme State Prosecutor and the Special Prosecutor for Fighting Organized Crime and Corruption.

Also, it is planned to hold a meeting of co-rapporteurs with members of the Commission to monitor actions of the competent state authorities regarding the investigations of intimidation and violence against journalists, murders of journalists and attacks on the media property.  

Montenegro is in the process of a two-year monitoring by the Council of Europe.

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, in June 2012, adopted Resolution 1890 "The honouring of obligations and commitments by Montenegro", which defined basic obligations and guidelines in what direction Montenegro should operate in the future and what measures and actions to take in order to enhance democratic processes and democratic values in Montenegro.

Key fields of interest in the process of monitoring are:

- Completion of the reform of the judiciary and amendments to the Constitution,

- The capacity of political parties to achieve the necessary compromises,

- Ensuring the respect and implementation of rights of all minorities, including the rights of LGBT people,

- The situation of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians,

- The fight against corruption and organized crime and strengthening the supervisory authorities,

- The situation in the media and the working environment provided to journalists,

- The legal status of internally displaced persons and refugees, as well as finding permanent solutions for them, based on voluntary return or local integration.

In order to determine the facts and monitor the progress in mentioned fields, co-rapporteurs visited Montenegro previously twice, from 8 to 10 July 2013 and from 14 to 16 April 2014.

The meetings are closed to public.