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Friday, 12. December 2014. 11:51

PACE Monitoring Committee suggested closing the monitoring procedure for Montenegro and opening of post-monitoring dialogue

PACE Monitoring Committee, at its meeting held on 11 December 2014 in Paris, suggested closing the monitoring procedure in respect of Montenegro and opening of post-monitoring dialogue in the light of the progress made by the country since 2012. 

On the basis of the report prepared by Kimmo Sasi (Finland, EPP/CD) and Terry Leyden (Ireland, ALDE), the parliamentarians underlined that Montenegro has “made great progress in fulfilling its commitments and obligations” and shown willingness to continue the reform process in the context of the EU accession negotiation.

In particular, the committee welcomed the steps taken by the Montenegrin authorities to fight discrimination and their efforts to host and integrate refugees and IDPs, including through a revised law on foreigners.

Nevertheless, the committee warns that the country will have to complete a series of reforms – concerning the electoral process, the independence of the judiciary, the fight against corruption and organized crime and the situation of the media – by the end of 2017 in order to avoid being returned to the full monitoring procedure.

Information downloaded from the web site of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe