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Skupština Crne Gore
Tuesday, 27. January 2015. 20:21

Winter Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe – Day two

On day two of the Session, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe has considered the Report on honouring of obligations and commitments by Montenegro and adopted Resolution on closing the monitoring procedure in respect of Montenegro and engaging in post-monitoring dialogue.

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe notes that Montenegro is a reliable and constructive partner to the Council of Europe, that it plays a positive role in the stabilisation of the region and has made progress in fulfilling its commitments and obligations since its accession in 2007. The country has moved forward in the five “key issues” identified by the Parliamentary Assembly in 2012, namely the independence of the judiciary, the situation of the media, the fight against corruption and organised crime, the rights of minorities and the fight against discrimination, and the situation of refugees and internally displaced persons. Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe invites Montenegro to pursue policies focusing on democratic standards, consolidation of the rule of law, enhanced transparency and accountability of public institutions and the equitable representation of minorities. Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe underlines the importance of implementing the adopted legislation, and therefore expects the country to implement a series of reforms – concerning the electoral process, the independence of the judiciary, the fight against corruption and organised crime and the situation of the media – by the end of 2017, failing which the committee will propose considering reopening the full monitoring procedure in respect of Montenegro. Taking part in the work of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on the occasion of considering the Report on honouring of obligations and commitments by Montenegro and proposed Resolution, members of the Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro to the PACE: Mr Predrag Sekulić, Mr Damir Šehović and Ms Snežana Jonica, in their addresses to PACE parliamentarians, have confirmed willingness of Montenegro to fulfil commitments overtaken by the membership in the Council of Europe, and also commitments and obligations during the post-monitoring period in the fields covered by the Resolution. Additionally, they emphasise that 16 chapters have been successfully opened regarding the fulfilment of obligations in the process of European integration. Three amendments submitted by MP Snežana Jonica have been adopted, relating to: encouraging Montenegrin authorities to promote equality and inclusion of persons with disabilities, passing the legislation to facilitate granting of Montenegrin citizenship under Resolution 1989 (2014) and fulfilling other issues highlighted in recommendations  of OEBS/ODIHR and Venice Commission, such as shortening certain residential conditions envisages by the Constitution, that two years are necessary for citizens in order to acquire the right to vote. The participants of the discussion on the Report on Montenegro welcome the progress made by Montenegro in fulfilling obligations resulting from accession process and statutory obligations and voice understanding that Montenegrin authorities will end initiated reforms in line with time schedule adopted by the state.  Montenegrin Delegation at the Winter Session is composed of: Mr Predrag Sekulić, Head of Delegation, and members: Ms Draginja Vuksanović, Mr Goran Tuponja, Mr Damir Šehović and Ms Snežana Jonica.