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Monday, 13. July 2015. 14:54

Meeting of the Chairpersons of COSAC held in Luxembourg

European parliamentarians discussed the priorities of Luxembourg Presidency of the EU Council as well as mechanisms for improving the role of national parliaments in decision-making process

In the framework of the parliamentary dimension of Presidency of the European Union, Meeting of the Chairpersons of the Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs of Parliaments of the EU (COSAC) took place in Luxembourg today.  Deputy Chairperson of the Committee on European Integration Ms Marija Maja Ćatović participated in the meeting.

Mr Mars Di Bartolomeo, Speaker of the Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies, addressed the participants at the beginning of the meeting, stressing the importance of joint parliamentary action aimed at creation of more solidary Europe, by adoption of new mechanisms for better social conditions, better health care and management directed to development.  Mr Marc Angel, Chairperson of the Committee on Foreign and European Affairs, Defence, Cooperation and Immigration, was a moderator of the meeting. He said that national parliaments were key actors of the European project, hence it is of particular importance to improve their role in decision-making process through political dialogue.

Mr Nicolas Schmit, Minister of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy made introductory remarks on the topic of the priorities of Luxembourg Presidency of the EU Council.  Mr Schmit stated that the following were key forthcoming tasks: stimulation of investments and strengthening of competence, creation of initiatives for youth employment, solidarity of all members states in solving the immigration issues, fight against budgetary frauds and tax evasion and strengthening common energy and transportation policy.  He added that Luxembourg would be devoted during its presidency to further progress in the negotiation process of the EU with Western Balkans countries.

MP Ćatović addressed the participants, emphasising the importance of further strengthening of relations of the EU and Western Balkans countries, not only with the aim of strengthening the region, but also for the sake of prosperity of European citizens and strengthening of Europe’s influence at the global level. She reminded that Montenegro was a leader in the EU accession process, with 20 temporarily opened negotiation chapters, of which two have been temporarily closed.  Ms Ćatović underlined that Montenegro’s priority is improving the quality of citizens’ life and implementation of reforms, after which the EU membership would be award for achieved results.

The second session addressed the strengthening of the political dialogue by introducing a “green card” and improvement of the reasoned opinion procedure (“yellow card”).  The following made introductory statements: Mr Paulo Mota Pinto, Chairperson of the European Affairs Committee in the Portuguese Parliament , Lord Timothy Boswell, Chairperson of Lords EU Select Committeein the House of Lords of the United Kingdom and Frans Timmermans, First Vice-President of the European Commission for Better Regulation, Inter-Institutional Relations, Rule of Law and Charter of Fundamental Rights. During the discussion, parliamentarians agreed to establish a working group that would define the mechanism of the “green card”, welcoming the intention of European institutions to sign the Inter-Institutional  Agreement for Better Management.