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Skupština Crne Gore
Monday, 14. December 2015. 09:00

Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro takes part in the 25th session of the Igman Initiative

Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro composed of MPs: Mr Miodrag Vuković, Mr Suljo Mustfić, Mr Rifat Rastoder and Mr Dritan Abazović took part in the 25th session of the Igman Initiative in Sarajevo, devoted this year to the 20th anniversary of the Dayton Agreement as well as further perspective of the Western Balkans countries. 

In mid-2015, the Igman Initiative has started the implementation of the project Twenty Year of the Dayton Agreement, in the framework of which a series of roundtables in Montenegro, Croatia and Serbia have been organised with the aim of opening a public debate towards resolving the remaining open issues among signatories of the Dayton Agreement.

The participants of the 25th session of the Igman Initiative agreed that the Western Balkans countries have been shaken by economic and security crises, requiring serious and immediate attention and active joint approach of political actors in the regional countries, but also the international partners of the European Union and NATO.

Additionally, the participants of the Conference agreed that it was necessary to continue strengthening the rule of law and observing human rights and freedoms in all reginal states, as well as active bilateral and multilateral cooperation, which has been a necessary pre-condition for overcoming crises, including in particular the current refugee crisis.

Co-chair of the Igman Initiative Mr Vehid Šehić particularly thanked the Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro on their contribution to the work of the Initiative and congratulated on receiving the NATO invitation.

At the end of the 25th Igman Initiative, the participants assessed that the work on establishing good neighbourly relations should be continued, as well as on rebuilding trust and tolerance and overcoming all forms of discrimination.