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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 15. March 2013. 09:56

Meeting of chairmen of committees on foreign affairs of Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina ended

Legitimisation of regional initiative within the framework of foreign policies at the national level.

Meeting of chairmen of committees on foreign affairs, which gathered parliamentarians from Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina, ended in Sarajevo today.

During the one-day Meeting of chairmen, where the special emphasis was placed on the issue of parliamentary cooperation through enery policies, the model of parliamentary cooperation in enery sector was presented in countries of the Nordic Council, as well as experiences of Finland regarding the use of the pure energy, and presentation of the study “ Stuck in the Past - Energy, Environment and Poverty in Serbia and Montenegro“

Previous activities of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) were also presented at the Meeting, with special emphasis to parliamentary cooperation, i.e. modalities through which was possible to support parliamentary activities of the regional counties. Conclusions from the Initial meeting of the chairmen of foreign policy of Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina held in Zagreb, on 18th and 19th 2012, were adopted at the Meeting.

When it comes to the work of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, parliamentarians agreed that it was necessary, through possible gathering at the regional initiative level, at the international plan, to promote idea of constituting regional initiative with the aim of obtaining support from the EU member states, and also to indicate  to the importance of existence of the regional initiative of Committees on foreign policy through its legitimisation in the framework of foreign policies at the national level. In the following period, more precisely, until the next gathering of parliamentarians, the need for defining the possible manners of cooperation with special reference to cooperation in the field of energy policy as well as in the field of gender equality, equal possibilities, fight against organised crime and corruption and environment protection was pointed out at the meeting. The next meeting of the chairmen of committees on foreign affairs will be held in Belgrade, while the fourth meeting of the Committee on foreign policy of the regional countries will be held in Podgorica, in the second half of the current year.

Representatives of the Parliament of Montenegro, at the meeting of chairmen, were: Mr. Miodrag Vuković, docent, PhD, the Chairman of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants, and members: Mr. Suljo Mustafić, Mr. Dritan Abazović, MA and Mr. Vasilije Lalošević.