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Skupština Crne Gore
Monday, 09. November 2015. 08:42

International Conference and meeting of the Standing Committee of SEECP PA held in Sophia

Deputy member of the Permanent Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro to the Parliamentary Assembly of the South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP), Ms Snežana Jonica, participated at the meeting

Deputy member of the Permanent Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro to the Parliamentary Assembly of the South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP), Ms Snežana Jonica, participated at the meeting of the Standing Committee of SEECP PA and the International Conference titled "Regional Synergy, Strategic Cooperation and Parliamentary Diplomacy", held in the period 5-7 November 2015 in Sophia, within the Bulgarian presidency of the SEECP Parliamentary Assembly.

At the international conference, in the presence of the Chairwoman of the National Assembly of Bulgaria, Ms Tsetska Tsatscheva, members of the European Parliament as well as representatives of 11 permanent delegations of SEECP PA, discussed the following topics: "Strategic parliamentary cooperation: definition and implementation of regional priorities, synergy of regional initiatives and NGO sector", "SEECP PA and the parliamentary diplomacy: creating and managing relations with international and regional organisations", and "Role of the SEECP PA in the process of European integration, cooperation with the European Parliament".

The conference was opened by the Chairwoman of the Bulgarian Parliament, Ms Tsetska Tsatscheva, who on this occasion presented the priorities of the Bulgarian presidency of the parliamentary dimension of the SEECP, involving the continuation of the process of institutionalisation of the SEECP PA and deepening cooperation with the European Parliament, as well as greater involvement of young people in political life.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria, Mr Valentin Poryazov, spoke about the goals and activities of the Bulgarian SEECP presidency, which is being implemented under the motto "SEECP – 20 Years Key to Regional Cooperation". He stressed that Bulgaria will implement a number of activities aimed at strengthening the role of the process as the leading political framework for cooperation in the region, the factor of safety, stability and prosperity. Mr Poryazov stressed that the presidency will be focused on three main areas of sectoral cooperation: 1) transport, energy and infrastructure, 2) freedom of media and freedom of expression and 3) migration.

At the meeting of the Standing Committee of SEECP PA, there was a discussion on the conclusions of the international conference, co-operation with the Baltic Assembly and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation "PABSEC". Also, they discussed the next steps towards finalising the institutionalisation  of the SEECP PA,.

SEECP Parliamentary Assembly, with the following members: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey, Croatia and Montenegro, has the aim of promoting and strengthening good-neighborly relations between the countries of Southeastern Europe and transforming the region into a zone of peace, security, stability and cooperation.

The Parliamentary Assembly plays a significant role in promoting parliamentary cooperation, facilitating inter-parliamentary dialogue, cooperation in the region and encouraging the process of integration into the European Union.