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Skupština Crne Gore
Tuesday, 20. May 2014. 13:00

Anti-corruption Committee didn’t hold its 15th meeting due to lack of quorum

The agenda of the 15th meeting of the Anti-corruption Committee scheduled for the Decision on the control hearing of the Acting Supreme State Prosecutor and the Director of the Police Administration, to be reached, regarding the activities of two institutions with the aim of detecting and preventing organized buying of IDs of Montenegrin citizens. 

Aside from the Chairman of the Committee, Mr Predrag Bulatović, the invitation for the meeting was answered only by following members of the Committee: Mr Andrija Mandić, Mr Koča Pavlović and Mr Mladen Bojanić.

Member of the Committee, Mr Dragoslav Šćekić (SNP), resigned from his post as a member of the Committee due to the transfer to another position, causing this MP Group not to be represented until the election of another one.