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Skupština Crne Gore
Monday, 20. April 2015. 15:33

Anti-corruption Committee holds its 35th meeting

The Committee issued a public notice for election of members of the Council of the Anti-corruption Agency

The subject of the public notice is application of candidates for the election of members of the Council of the Anti-corruption Agency. The Council has five members. The Council is elected by the Parliament of Montenegro, upon proposal by the Anti-corruption Committee. The Council members are elected to the period of four years and can be elected no more than two times.

Additionally, the Committee noted that the authorised proposers, in accordance with the Law on Prevention of Corruption, submitted the representatives to the Commission in a timely manner, and that all requirements of Article 85 of the Law were fulfilled, and formed the Commission in the following composition:

1) Mr Obrad Mišo Stanišić, representative of the Parliament among the parliamentary majority,
2) Mr Predrag Bulatović, representative of the Parliament among the parliamentary opposition,
3) Mr Dobrica Šljivančanin, representative of the Judicial Council,
4) Mr Slavko Lukić, representative of the Prosecutorial Council, and
5) Mr Zoran Vujičić, representative of the NGOs.