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Thursday, 28. February 2013. 09:04

Members of the Security and Defense Committee visited the Criminal Police Sector of the Police Directorate

As part of the implementation of the Decision from the fifth meeting of the Committee, the Chairman and members of the Committee visited the Criminal Police Sector of the Police Directorate.

On this occasion MPs got acquainted with the structure of this organizational unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, normative framework of action, work and measures for gathering data.   

Visit to the Criminal Police Sector of the Police Directorate represents the implementation of extraordinary activity of parliamentary oversight in the aim of achieving direct insight into documents and conversations with entities that perform actual jobs and tasks. 

Addressing the media, the Chairman of the Committee pointed out that based on the inspection of today, it could be concluded that jobs and tasks in this department are being carried out in accordance with the procedures established by law and with full respect for the constitutionally guaranteed rights and freedoms of a man and citizen, and that the Security and Defense Committee will, in the following period, in the context of application of the parliamentary oversight in the area of security and defense, and the Law on Internal Affairs, with full commitment, continue monitoring the application of regulations that govern particular i.e. secret ways of collecting data.