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Skupština Crne Gore
Monday, 20. October 2014. 08:48

Members and service of Security and Defence Committee to pay a study visit to the Kingdom of Norway

Oslo, 20 - 24 October 2014

Members and service of the Security and Defence Committee will pay a study visit to the Kingdom of Norway as of tomorrow, during which they will have an opportunity to tour the Parliament of the Kingdom of Norway (Stortinget), as well as bodies and institutions from the security and defence field.

The study visit represents a continuation of activities within three-year project of the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) for providing a support to national parliaments in the region of Western Balkans in complying their constitutional role of legislative, representative and oversight bodies in the field of security and defence, established in March 2012.

By implementation of the visit, the process of professional training of members and service of the Security and Defence Committee has been continued, with the purpose of upgrading the established legal framework in defence and security sector. In line with that, visit to the Parliament of Norway is planned as well as visit to bodies and institutions from the security and defence field of the host country, with the aim of sharing experiences and acquainting with established practices in fields relevant for work of the Committee. Therefore, the planned meetings will be, inter alia, on standards in the field of building integrity in the defence sector, performing oversight over the public procurement procedures in this sector, practices and actions of the protection and rescue system, regulating normative framework for the work of private security companies, as well as current issues in the process of Euro-Atlantic integration.