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Skupština Crne Gore
Wednesday, 06. March 2013. 10:41

Members and the service of the Committee on Security and Defence in the study visit to the Republic of Croatia

On their second day of study visit, the members of the Committee on Security and Defence have visited the following institutions: the Ministry of Defence, Security and Intelligence Agency and the National Protection and Rescue Directorate of Republic of Croatia.

In the Ministry of Defence, the Members of the Committee were presented with the topics: “Defence reforms in the context of membership to the NATO and EU” and “Experiences of the Republic of Croatia in relation to destruction of the excess arms, military equipment and ammunition”.

During the visit to the Security and Intelligence Agency, the Delegation of the Committee on Security and Defence was presented with the Croatian model of application of the measures of the secret surveillance and the control of the legality of this procedure by the authorised institutions.
Within the visit to the National Protection and Rescue Directorate, after the presentation of the competencies and manner of work of this institution, the Committee members had the opportunity to see the facilities of the National and County Information and Communication System of Protection and Rescue.

The Chairman and the following members of the Committee participated in the study visit to Croatia: Mr. Mevludin Nuhodžić, Mr. Obrad Mišo Stanišić, Mr. Luiđ Ljubo Škrelja, Mr. Borislav Banović, Mr. Vasilije Lalošević, Mr. Velizar Kaluđerović and Mr. Zoran Miljanić.