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Skupština Crne Gore
Monday, 04. March 2013. 10:50

Members and the Service of the Security and Defense Committee to pay a study visit to the Republic of Croatia from 5th to 8th March, 2013

Geneva Center for Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) invited members and the service of the Security and Defense Committee to pay a study visit to the Republic of Croatia from 5th to 8th March, 2013.

The study visit is one of planned activities within the three-year plan for supporting national parliaments in the Western Balkans region in completing their constitutional role of legislative, representative and supervisory bodies in the area of security and defense.

With the realization of the study visit, the process of professional development of members and the service of the Security and Defense Committee continues, with the aim of upgrading the established legal framework in the defense and security sector, as well as many years of successful cooperation with the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF).

Pursuant to the mentioned, visit to the Croatian Parliament is planned, as well as the visit to other authorities and intuitions from the security and defense sector of the Republic of Croatia with the aim of exchange of experiences in the work and role of the Committee in the negotiation process with the European Union.