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Skupština Crne Gore
Wednesday, 04. March 2015. 17:52

Member of Security and Defence Committee Mr Luiđ Ljubo Škrelja today participates in a roundtable titled “Assessment of Corruption Risk in the Defence Sector”

The roundtable was organised by the Centre for Monitoring and Research (CEMI)

Member of Security and Defence Committee Mr Luiđ Ljubo Škrelja today has participated in the roundtable titled “Assessment of Corruption Risk in the Defence Sector”, and delivered a speech during the panel named “Corruption Risk in Financial Management and Public Procurement”.

The aim of the roundtable was presentation of the practical policy study within the final phase of the project “Raising Integrity, Transparency and Accountability in the Defense Sector in Montenegro“, supported by Embassy of Canada to Serbia, which is a part of Canada Fund Program.

In that context, discussion was focused on implementation and efficiency of the anti-corruption measures, i.e. managing integrity.