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Tuesday, 12. February 2013. 12:54

Members and the service of the Committee on Security and Defence participated today at the Round Table ”Second year of application of the Law on Parliamentary Oversight in the Field of Security and Defense“ in Podgorica

The Round Table was organised by the Institute “Alternativa” with the support of the Centre for Democratic Control of the Armed Forces from Geneva (DCAF).

Introductory speeches at the meeting had the Chairman of the Committee on Security and Defense, Mr. Mevludin Nuhodžić and the Chairman of the Board of Management of the Institute “Alternativa”, Mr. Stevo Muk.

The Chairman Mr. Mevludin Nuhodžić presented implemented activities of the Committee in 2012, with a special reference to the quality of the meetings held, where the current topics were approached jointly in an objective manner, with a full observation of their common significance for the society as a whole and with the existence of a clearly expressed political will for finding a consensus and the best possible directions of action. Additionally, he pointed out that the subjects of the parliamentary oversight had shown a high degree of cooperation and accuracy regarding fulfilment of legal and other obligations in the previous period, and that the Committee continuously provided support in terms of meeting conditions and achieving the necessary standards in the process of European and Euro-Atlantic integration. He pointed out that the participation of the subjects of the parliamentary oversight, members of the  Committee on Security and Defense, representatives of the NGO sector, as well as DCAF partners in these projects represented a clear indicator of preparedness of all actors in the security and defense sector to openly and transparently exchange experiences on their previous work, as well as a wide platform for discussion on the eventual need for promotion or amendments to the current legal framework.

The Chairman of the of the Board of Management of the Institute “Alternativa”, Mr. Stevo Muk said that the meeting was aimed at providing objective presentation of work of the Board in the second year of the application of the Law on Parliamentary Oversight in the Field of Security and Defense, as well as providing the opportunity to use the dialogue to try to reach a solution for a more efficient implementation of the oversight of the security and defense sector. Additionally, he pointed out his belief that the suggestions provided in the monitoring performance report of the Committee in 2012 would help the Board to strengthen the mechanisms for implementation of the parliamentary oversight.

During the work of the Round Table, the representative of the Institute “Alternativa”, Mr. Marko Sošić, presented to the participants the monitoring performance report of the Board in 2012 of the implementation of the Law on Parliamentary Oversight in the Field of Security and Defense, prepared by the representatives of this NGO.

At the gathering, apart from the members of the Committee on Security and Defense, the representatives of the bodies and institutions from the security and defense sector, as well as representatives of the international organisations, civil society and media, also took part.