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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 18. October 2013. 16:00

Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget: Announcement regarding applications to the vacancy notice for appointment of the President and two Members of the Council of the Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services

With regard to the Open Vacancy Notice for appointment of the President and two members of the Council of the Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services, announced on 2 October 2013, and published in four daily newspapers on 3 October 2013:

„Pobjeda“, „Dnevne novine“, Independent Daily „Vijesti“ and „Dan“, the following candidates applied:

• Mr Žilbert Tafa,
• Mr Markišić Omer,
• Mr Nedić Zoran,
• Mr Mijač Aleksandar,
• Mr Kovijanić Branko,
• Mr Đurović Šaleta,
• Mr Mihaljević Srđan, and
• Mr Jovanović Dejan.

The deadline for submission of applications via the Registry Office of the Parliament of Montenegro expired today, on 18 October 2013.

There is an option for the interested candidates to submit their candidacy application via the Post Office as well, following which the final number of candidates would be determined.