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Skupština Crne Gore
Thursday, 04. December 2014. 12:19

84th meeting of the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget held

Proposal for the Law on Funding of Political Parties and Election Campaigns supported and numerous amendments considered

At today’s 84th meeting, the Committee considered and decided to propose to the Parliament to adopt Proposal for the Law on Funding of Political Parties and Election Campaigns, submitted by MPs: Milutin Simović, Branko Čavor, Draginja Vuksanović, Ljerka Dragičević and Suljo Mustafić. The Committee also considered an amendment to the concerned Proposal for the Law, submitted by MPs Ljerka Dragičević and Suljo Mustafić. Following the vote, the amendment was supported by a necessary majority of the Committee.

The Committee also considered 13 amendments and proposal for conclusion to the Proposal for the Law on Highway Bar- Boljare. Following the vote, ten amendments and proposal for conclusion were not supported by a necessary majority of the Committee. The Committee did not state its opinion on three amendments to the concerned proposal for the law due to absence of the representative of the proposer.

The Committee considered 51 amendments to the Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Public Procurement. The representative of the Government accepted two amendments in the proposed wording and one in modifies formulation, hence they have become an integral part of the Proposal for the Law wording. Additionally, representative of the Government stated negative opinion on 39 amendments, and those were not supported by Committee members. The Committee unanimously decided to submit to the Parliament one amendment, which was nit supported by the representative of the proposer. The Committee did not state its opinion on three amendments to the concerned proposal for the law due to absence of the representative of the proposer.