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Skupština Crne Gore
Tuesday, 09. December 2014. 11:16

Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget held its 85th meeting

Committee members discussed amendments submitted to the Proposal for the Law on Financing of Political Entities and Election Campaigns and Proposal for conclusions regarding the consideration of the Report on implementation of the Regional Development Strategy of Montenegro 2010 - 2014, for the year 2013. 

At today held 85th meeting, the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget reviewed five amendments to the Proposal for the Law on Financing of Political Entities and Election Campaigns, submitted by MPs Neven Gošović and Aleksandar Damjanović. Representative of the proponent was not able to comment on these amendments, taking into account that he/she did not consult other proponents of the act. Amendments of MPs Neven Gošović and Aleksandar Damjanović, after voting, did not obtain the required majority of the Committee.

The Committee also considered the Proposal for conclusions regarding the consideration of the Report on implementation of the Regional Development Strategy of Montenegro 2010 - 2014, for the year 2013, submitted by MP Srđan Milić. After voting, the mentioned Proposal for conclusions did not obtain the required majority of the Committee.