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Skupština Crne Gore
Thursday, 18. June 2015. 15:37

Bilateral meeting of committees on budget, finance and European integration of the Parliament of Montenegro and the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska

The meeting will be held in Trebinje, on 19 June


With support of the Westminster Foundation for Democracy, and within activities of the Regional Network of Parliamentary Committees on Economy, Finance and European Integration of the Western Balkans, a bilateral meeting of members of committees on budget, finance and European integration of the Parliament of Montenegro and the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska will be held.

The meeting will be concentrated on the exchange of opinions of parliamentary committees with accent on the process of harmonisation of national legislation with European laws, consideration of possibilities of joint approach of the Republic of Srpska/Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro towards EU funds in the field of cross-border cooperation, as well as consideration of possibility of joint presentation of  Republic of Srpska/Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro in the context of improving economic cooperation and attracting foreign investments

The meeting will be held in Trebinje, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on 19 June.

On behalf of the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget, the meeting will be attended by the following MPs: Mr Aleksandar Damjanović, Mr Veljko Zarubica and Mr Strahinja Bulajić. Additionally, the Committee on European Integration will be represented by MP Mr Šefkija Murić.