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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 21. December 2012. 12:42

First Meeting of the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget started, and will be continued on Wednesday, 26th December

The Committee decided to propose to the Parliament to accept Proposal for the Law on Final Budget Statement of Montenegro for 2011.

After several hours’ discussion, the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget decided to propose to the Parliament to accept the Proposal for the Law on Final Budget Statement of Montenegro for 2011. The Committee also decided to declare, in the continuation of the meeting, on findings, recommendations and measures of the State Audit Institution regarding consideration the Final Budget Statement of Montenegro for 2011, aimed at improving the system of public spending.

The Committee decide to propose to the Parliament to accept the following: Proposal of Financial statement together with Report on work of the Insurance Supervision Agency of Montenegro; Proposal of Financial statement of the Securities Commission; Proposal of Financial statement of the Energy Regulatory Agency; Proposal of Financial statement of the Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices; Proposal of Financial statement of the Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services together with Report on work; as well as Proposal of Financial statement of the Agency for Electronic Media for the past year.

The Meeting of the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget will be continued on Wednesday, 26th December.