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Skupština Crne Gore
Monday, 27. May 2013. 15:27

Tenth and Eleventh Meeting of the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget held

At its tenth meeting held today, the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget, during the three-hour long discussion, considered the State Audit Institution Report on revision of Government of Montenegro guarantees issued in 2010 and 2011 as well as recommendations of Institution  structured in four parts: earlier recommendations of the SAI relating issuance of the state guarantees, regulation analyses with the proposal for amendments, economic indicators and risks analyses and oversight function as well. During some of the following meetings, the Committee decided to establish assessments and positions on consideration of the concerned Report.

In addition, the Committee considered Information on electric power subjects according to the Energy Regulatory Agency (No. 00-63-7/13-6/29), within which the proposal for urgent amendments to the Energy Law was submitted. Taking into consideration the seriousness of a situation at the Montenegrin energy market as well as discussion at the meeting and the fact that Energy Regulatory Agency has no legal basis for licence revoking to energetic subjects, it was assessed as necessary to consider the possibility of proposing the amending of the Energy Law in the part relating to Article 59 and 60.

At the eleventh meeting which started at 13:45, the Committee supported the Proposal for the Consumer Credit Law and Proposal for amendments to the Law on Contracts for Road Transport and decided to submit to the Committee on Political System, Justice and Administration the positive opinion on the Proposal for amendments to the Law on Territorial Organization of Montenegro,in line with the Article 137 of the Rules of Procedure, submitted by Mr Genci Nimanbegu.

During today’s meeting, the Committee supported amendments (three) on the Proposal for the Law on Railways submitted by MP Damir Šehović, and proponent representative agreed on those. The Committee adopted the Performance Report for 2012, containing activities of this working body in exercising legislative, oversight and parliamentary function. During the discussion, it was pointed out to the fact that 196 participations were listedduring Committee meetings, and more active cooperation with non-governmental sector was specially stressed.

At its tenth meeting held today, the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget, during the three-hour long discussion, considered the State Audit Institution Report on revision of Government of Montenegro guarantees issued in 2010 and 2011 as well as recommendations of Institution  structured in four parts: earlier recommendations of the SAI relating issuance of the state guarantees, regulation analyses with the proposal for amendments, economic indicators and risks analyses and oversight function as well.