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Skupština Crne Gore
Tuesday, 16. July 2013. 15:23

Twentieth meeting of the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget held

2012 Report on the state of energy sector of Montenegro supported.

At the meeting held today, the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget decided to propose to the Parliament for adoption the 2012 Report on the state of energy sector of Montenegro. In accordance with the Article 11 of the Law on Council for Financial Stability, the Committee gained access to 2012 Performance Report of the Council for Financial Stability.

It was also agreed to determine the following at the next Committee meeting: Proposal for Conclusions regarding Consideration of the 2012 Performance Report of Central Bank of Montenegro and 2012 Performance Report of Commission for Concessions.

Under the item of the agenda Current Issues, the dynamics of work of the Committee during July was provisionally agreed.