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Skupština Crne Gore
Monday, 16. September 2013. 16:34

Committee on European Integration to hold a public debate on the topic “Montenegro and the European Union – Information Society and Media”

Public debate will be held in Podgorica, on 17 September, starting at 11 am.

With the aim of improving the role of the Parliament of Montenegro in terms of providing transparent and inclusive negotiation process, the Committee on European Integration will organise a public debate “Montenegro and the European Union – Information Society and Media” where European law and domestic legislation will be presented in this field and expertise as well as other interested public will have an opportunity to state their opinion and suggestions prior to establishing the negotiation position and its consideration at the Committee meeting. In that manner, the Committee on European Integration will fulfil its intention in terms of indirect inclusion of broader public in accession negotiations of Montenegro to the European Union.

Namely, the existing legislative framework in the field of information society and media includes: Law on Electronic Communications; Law on Electronic Commerce; Electronic Signature Law; Law on Electronic Media; Law on Electronic Documents; Law on Information Security; Personal Data Protection Law; Law on Copyright and Related Rights; Law on Enforcement of Regulations Governing Protection of Intellectual Property Rights; Law on Ratification of the Convention on Cybercrime; Media Law; Law on Ratification of the European Convention on Transfrontier Television; Law on Ratification of the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions; Law on Public Broadcasting services of Montenegro; Law on Culture; Law on Cinematography; Law on Protection of Cultural Heritage; Law on Archival Practice; Law on Copyright and Related Rights.

Following the concept of organising thematic forums, the forthcoming debate will include a discussion on aforementioned fields, with a note that this is the first one out of the series of debates that will be organised, with the aim of considering a greater part of fields covered by accession negotiations.

Public discussion will be held in hotel “Ramada” in Podgorica, on 17 September, starting at 11 am.

Applications for participation should be sent by Friday, 13 September 2013, at e-mail:
