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Skupština Crne Gore
Monday, 16. September 2013. 16:33

Eighth Meeting of the Committee on European Integration held

Draft of the negotiation position of Montenegro for International Conference on accession of Montenegro to the European Union for Chapter 5 – Public Procurement.

Members of the Committee on European Integration considered the Draft of the negotiation position of Montenegro for International Conference on accession of Montenegro to the European Union for Chapter 5 – Public Procurement, becoming familiar with the previous dynamics of the Working Group as well as planned activities prior to the opening of the Chapter at the International Conference on accession of Montenegro to the Union.

The meeting was closed to public, due to the nature of the document marked as classified, and the Draft of the position was presented by Mr Mersad Mujević, Director of the Public Procurement Administration and Head of the Working Group for Chapter 5, in attendance of Mr Milivoj Jurišić, Secretary of the Negotiation Group

The Committee unanimously adopted positive opinion on the Draft of the negotiation position for negotiation Chapter 5 – Public Procurement, thus it will inform the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration on it.