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Skupština Crne Gore
Tuesday, 01. October 2013. 13:26

Committee on European Integration to hold a public debate on “Montenegro and the European Union – Negotiation Chapters 23 and 24”

The public debate will be held on 4 October, starting at 11 am.

The Committee on European Integration will organise the second debate devoted to the area of judiciary and fundamental rights, i.e. justice, freedom and security, on Friday, 4 October in hotel “Podgorica”, starting at 11 am. Achieving its intent through indirect involvement of the general public in the negotiation process between Montenegro and the EU, the Committee in this way contributes not only to the improvement of the controlling role of the Parliament in the field of European integration, but also ensures the necessary transparency and inclusiveness of the negotiation process. The aim of the debate is to provide an opportunity to expertise and other interested public to express their views, opinions and suggestions on Chapters 23 and 24 prior to consideration of those at the Committee meeting.

We hereby invite all interested parties to participate in the concerned event and become acquainted with the contents of the aforementioned chapters, and thus contribute by their suggestions to the accession negotiations of Montenegro to the EU.

Applications for participation should be sent at the e-mail address: by Thursday, 3 October 2013.