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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 31. January 2014. 17:07

The first part of the eighteenth meeting of the Committee on European Integration held

On the agenda: consideration of the Draft position on Chapter - 31 Foreign, security and defence policy.

Members of the Committee on European Integration started considering, in the presence of the Ambassador Mr Vladimir Radulović, Head of the Working Group for Chapter 31 and State Secretary for Political Issues in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integrations, Montenegro’s Draft negotiation position for Intergovernmental conference on Montenegro’s Accession to the European Union on Chapter - 31 Foreign, security and defence policy. The meeting was also attended by members of Parliament’s committees competent for fields covered by Chapter 31 (Committee on International Relations and Emigrants and Security and Defence Committee).

After the presentation of the negotiation position, several proposals were introduced during the following discussion for amending the position by present MPs, hence for the purpose of consultation within the negotiation team, the continuation of the discussion was postponed as well as voting on the document.  

The date for holding the continuation of the eighteenth meeting of the Committee on European Integration will be determined subsequently.